Press Release: CNC I.P Hosted a Colloquium on the Importance of the National Archives Policy in Preserving Archival Heritage


Dili – (07 June 2024), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P hosted a colloquium at Antigo Comarca Balide-Dili on “The Importance of the National Archives Policy in Preserving Archival Heritage” participated by the researchers, lecturers, students, and civil societies aimed to enhance the public understanding regarding the importance of archives law for the nation and state-building process, national policy of preserving the archival heritage, and even the exchange of ideas and strengthen collaboration for the archives law approval. Therefore, archives are essential for documenting and preserving the history, experiences, achievements, and significant poisons of a nation, help to acknowledge its roots, build national identities, and plan for the future. In this regard, properly preserving documentary records is crucial for the nation-building process.

Nevertheless, since the 22 years of independence restoration of Timor-Leste, there has been no national policy for archives law to define norms and guidelines regarding standardized archive management for preserving Timor-Leste’s archival heritage. Due to the missing of a National Archives Law in Timor-Leste presents a significant challenge for archival practices, particularly concerning document retention and elimination, transfer and receipt of documents, and even access to information.

In response to this matter, Centro Chega! to bring together public and private archival institutions, academics, historians, and researchers through this colloquium to discuss and promote the holistic vision of the importance of national archives policy.

This colloquium was to inform the public of the significance of archives and the national policy of archives law. As the final result, the archival institutions and interested parties plan to have a team working to advocate for the approval of the archives law.


(Media CNC)

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