Press Release: CNC I.P Alongside the ASSEPOL Hosted a Seminar on “Torture and Human Rights Protection in Timor-Leste”


(Dili, 25 June 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega! I.P collaborated with the Former Political Prisoners Association (ASSEPOL/FPPA) and hosted a seminar on “Torture and Protection of Human Rights in Timor-Leste” at the Conference Room of Former Prison Balide, Dili. The seminar took place to mark the International Day of Victims of Torture on 26th June 2024.

The seminar aimed to foster the International Day to support the torture of victims and to reflect on and honor those who have suffered from cruel violence. Especially political prisoners in Timor-Leste and even in the world. Additionally, it aimed to share the documented memories of past tortures as presented in the Chega! Report and its recommendations. Participants had the opportunity to hear and acknowledge the experiences of former political prisoners in their efforts to ensure future violence would be unrepeated.

The 26 June is recognized internationally as a day to support the victims of torture. The international community absenced torture and cruel acts that humiliated human dignity, as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. Therefore, the General Assembly adopted a declaration to protect people from acts of torture and mistreatment in response to the strong declaration from civil society organizations and NGOs in 1975. There have been many changes to develop the legal benchmark and instruments for the prohibition of tortures between 1980-1990.

In Timor-Leste, the Chega! Reports have stated the solid quantity and hypothesis presented incidences and testimonies from individuals held in detention. These indicate that victims were subjected to torture and mistreatment, with the number of such cases increasing. According to the commission’s data, 83.6% (9,303/11,123) of victims experienced torture during detention, conflict-related. The abuse suffered during detention included torture (46.9%, 4,267/9,094), mistreatment 30.8%, (2,798/9,094), and intimidation (7.0%, 634/9,074).

Meanwhile, the victims’ demographics came from varied different types of violations. Relatively, the adults of the people of Timor-Leste, especially men who faced non-fatal violations such as torture, detention, and poor treatment.

Thus, as a result, the seminar promoted the International Day of the Victims of Torture, leading to increased respect and acknowledgment of the victims. Participants gained knowledge about the Chega! Reports and Recommendations related to torture and heard about the cruel conditions faced by former political prisoners in their efforts to protect and promote human rights. They also learned direct lessons and experiences from the victims and former political prisoners.

(Media CNC)

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