CNC I.P Transmits History to Foster a Culture of Peace on New Generation


Dili – (4 July 2024) The vital role of Centro Nacional Chega! I.P. is to transmit history to the young generation to enrich the culture of peace, free from future roughness in the societies, and promote human rights in Timor-Leste. Manuel Mesquita Pereira, the President of the Council Administration of Centro Chega!, addressed this matter at the seminar on “The Role of Museums and Archives in Preserving Memories and Introduction of History.” Additionally, the seminar was opened by Aderito Hugo da Costa, Vice Minister of Affairs Parliamentary, and participated by Jorge Soares Cristovão, the Secretariat of State for Arts and Culture, the Deputy of Provedor of Human Rights and Justice, Rigoberto Monteiro, Civil Societies, Academics, and Partners.

CNC I.P. is honored to have three different speakers  from the International Advisory Council members to share their knowledge and experiences related to museums, Archives, History Management, Preventing Violence, and Human Rights, such as Prof. David Webster, who spoke on “The Role of Museum and Archives in Preserving and Transmitting History and Collective Memories.” Dr. Nisay Hang spoke on “The Role of Museum and Archives Dealing with Difficulty Memories and Preventing Mass Violence.” Dra. Khoon Ying Hooi spoke “The Role of Museum and Archives for Peace Education and Promoting Human Rights.”

“The mission of CNC is not only for documenting. However, to focus on transmitting the useful history to the young people of Timor-Leste in enriching the culture of peace and not repeating the future violence”, said the President of the Council Administration at the Conference Room of Centro Nacional Chega!, Former Prison Balide, Dili (Thursday, 04 July 2024).

The principal purpose of the seminar was to deepen our knowledge regarding the role of museums and archives in preserving and transmitting history and collective memories. It was to increase our understanding of institutions’ role, particularly education for peace and promoting human rights.

It is an honor and privilege for Centro Chega! to welcome guests and participants to this seminar. Today, we gather a mission to explore and share how museums and archives become vital tools in preserving the histories and collective memories of the people and even the institutions to carry out this essential role in building fundamental peace and human rights

He affirmed that to fulfill this mission, CNC I.P continues to enhance its structure, including the redevelopment of the Museum of Comarca Balide, which will be wrapped up by October 2024, and its establishments in modern approximating, and its operation will be next year. It is a crucial initiative from Centro Chega! to create a platform to share experiences and gather thoughts to provide orientation to CNC I.P. for the Museum and Archives management effectively.

“We thanked the participation of the state institutions, Academics, researchers, Museum Managers, Students, and Social Activists. Your perspectives and experiences will contribute to the significant and rich dialogue,” he thanked the participants.”


(Media CNC)

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