The Voice of Manufahi Municipal Authority on CNC handed MHtH/UMbE to the Survivor


Manufahi – (19th of January 2024), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P and the Political Conflict Victims Association 1974-1999 accompanied by Manufahi Municipal Authority consisting of the Secretariat of Manufahi Municipal Authority, Same Administrator Post, National Liberation Combatant Council of Manufahi, PNTL commander, and Rotutu Head of Village handed a Memory House to Hope (MHtH) to the survivor, Ilda de Oliveira (deceased) on behalf of her son, Domingos da Silva Oliveira in Rotutu Village, Same Administrative Post, Manufahi Municipality.

A Memory House to Hope that Centro Nacional Chega!I.P handed to the Survivor, Ilda de Oliveira, on behalf of her son, Domingos, was positively appreciated by the Manufahi Authority as it had good quality to dignify the survivors and to be the shade of them.

The Secretariat of Manufahi Municipal Authority for Community Issues, Aleixu de Deus

“I am so proud that a Memory House to Hope has been handed to the survivor as it is a different model from other houses – I am a Municipal Authority of Manufahi and request that this program not be ended but continue as many survivors still need support and I will discuss this with the President of Manufahi Municipal Authority (PAMM) to see this model”.

The President of the National Liberation Combatant Council of Manufahi, Tobias Amaral Magno “Maksaku”.

“A Memory House to Hope handed to the victim, the combatant parts feel proud and pleased as Centro Nacional Chega built a good quality house – I am a CCLN/NLCC president of Manufahi, feel proud as it is to dignify the victims, and we thank Centro Nacional Chega!I.P for supporting the survivor in building this beautiful house, I hope this is not the end but also giving a hand to other survivors to feel that the state of Timor-Leste dignifies them”.

Rotutu Head of Village, Jose dos Santos

“I uniquely appreciated Centro Chega for a Memory House to Hope handed to the survivor, Ilda de Oliveira – the survivors deserve to be given a hand by the government as it is an important program.

During the two-time mandate, CNC built a Memory House to Hope for the first-time survivors in Rotutu Village, Same Administrative Post, Manufahi Municipality, and we would like to thank CNC and the Victims of Association for good cooperation with the council of the village and the communities. I hope this program continues because many victims have not received this house”.

Domingos da Silva Oliveira, the son of the survivor, Ilda de Oliveira

“I thank CNC for constructing a Memory House to Hope for the survivor, and being the son of this survivor – I have nothing to give to CNC and the Victims of Association except thanks, and I suggest keeping ahead with this program.

Meanwhile, the executive coordinator of the National Secretariat for the Political Conflict Victims Association 1974-1999, Domingos Pinto de Araújo Moniz.

A Memory House to Hope received by the vulnerable survivor is an appreciation of the state through Centro Nacional Chega!I.P. The support of Centro Chega! Based on the recommendation of Chega! to remove the victims from poverties through various means – some get houses, punctual/occasional support, scholarship, and step-by-step will resolve.

 In addition to this, The Division Director of the Solidarity of Survivors (DSS), Nelson M. Seixas

The principal of Centro Chega! handed a Memory House to Hope for the survivor, Ilda de Oliveira to value and dignify her contribution to fighting for self-determination. This is also an action of the implementation of Chega! Recommendation on “Victim Reparation”

Story of the Survivor, Ilda de Oliveira

Ilda de Oliveira was a survivor. In 1982, she was resettlement by the Indonesian National Military (TNI) to Betano for 7 years as the cause of war. In Addition, she experienced various acts of violence by the Indonesian Military. She lost her beloved son (died) due to famine in Betano. Thus, she moved back with her family to Rotutu in 1989 and stayed there until independence.

Ilda de Oliveira lived in an unworthy house with her family so far. They are from Manetelu Sacred House in Rotuto. In 2018, as a cause of the war, survivor Ilda was affected by mental illness and taken to the Laclubar Mental Health Center for treatment. Centro Nacional Chega!I.P identified that she (a survivor) deserved to get a Memory House to Hope as she lived in the unworthy house before due to her health condition.

Thus, Centro Nacional Chega!I.P and Victims Association with Manufahi Municipal Authority handed over a Memory House to Hope with its 9×7 sizes, 3 bedrooms, a room, a bathroom, a porch, and a kitchen, electricity installation provided, ceiling, ceramic and except kitchen to survivor, Ilda de Oliveira, on behalf of her son, Domingos da Silva Oliveira. A house construction was with a total amount of $ 14.800, including the tradesman fee.

In 2021, Centro Chega! handed the Memory House to Hope to the 10 most vulnerable survivors in Timor-Leste (2 females, 8 males). In 2022, 5 MHtH were handed to the survivors (3 females, 2 males). In 2023, 3 MHtH were handed to the survivors (2 females, 2 males). There are 18 MHtH handed to survivors, including 7 females and 11 males between 2021-2023.

Centro Nacional Chega!I.P is a public institute established under Decree Law no. 48/2016. The vision of Centro Chega is “The inclusive Societies, history of the past to be unrepeated, live peacefully, and respect human rights,”. The mission of Centro Chega! “Establishing post-conflict centers, preserving the memories of the past, promoting human values and rights, national and international partners building to strengthen network services to implement the relevant recommendation made in the Final Report of the Commission for Reception, Truth, and Reconciliation (CAVR)-Chega!, and Truth and Friendship Commission (CVA) – Per Memoriam Ad Spem/From Memory to Hope.”


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