Pro-Integration Militia of Dara Merah Tim Pancasila Murdered 6 People in 1999


Ermera – (2024 May, 16 ), pro-integration militia group of Dara Merah Tim Pancasila in 1999 killed 6 people in Atara Village, Atsabe, Ermera, such as Justiniano Lesu-Cali, was shot on the way heading to Atara Chapel. The militia captured Paulo dos Reis under a bed to shoot in front of the house. They captured as well João Sarmento to stab and kill in front of the house. Urbana Ferreira was even captured by militia as they heard that Mr. Carlos hid guns, and they investigated her house but found nothing, and then she was shot. They captured Abel de Jesus to hit and shoot in front of his house. The militia shot Rogero Talo-Ati in the forest, and the family found him two days later. The referred assassination was on 16 May 1999, and it has been 25 years now (from 1999-2024) since the human rights violation occurred.

Regarding their death, Centro Nacional Chega!I.P supported the Political Conflict of Victims Association (PCVA) 1974-1999 alongside the Atara Organizing Committee of Human Rights Violation Day, the local authorities, and the Atara community, Administrative Post of Atasabe, Ermera Municipality to commemorate 25 years (1999-2024) concerning the human rights violations that took place in Atsabe on May 16, 1999.

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024, the 25th commemoration commenced with a cultural ceremony led by a traditional elder, Manuel de Jesus. Traditionally, there are few ingredients, such as betel nuts, betel peppers, limes, wine, hand-woven, and roosters, to put under the flagpole of RDTL. The traditional elder, he hamulak (a prayer asking for ancestor blessing), as an offering to kill these roosters and to see signs in its intestines, whether good or not – but the good signs were seen. Additionally, Afonso Soares and Manuel de Jesus were traditional elders informed that the chewing ingredients, roosters, and wine under the flagpole were an offering for those who lost their lives defending independence. Thus, we now gain it, not to forget their sacrifices. We hamulak to receive blessings, to strengthen our peacebuilding and stability.

On May 15, 2024, there was a Mini Public Hearing which participated by the chief of the Ombudsman of Human Rights and Justice, the Secretary of State Professional Training Employment, the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Municipal and Local Authorities, PNTL Security Authority, Traditional elders, Veterans, Students, and the communities around aimed to provide a chance for survivors to reveal their history of the past 1999. On Thursday, 16 May 2024, the activity commenced with a mass led by Atsabe Parish, Father Fidelio da Cruz, at the Sagrado Coração de Jesus Atara chapel. Then, everyone scattered flowers in the cemetery to dignify those who died as they fought for independence.

This activity commemorates 25 years of Human Rights Violations in 1999 on “The Deepest Memories to Young People Overcoming Violent Mindset for Peacebuilding.” It is to create a public discussion for everyone to accept various narratives, experiences, and recommendations to promote the memories and values of resistance, peacebuilding, justice, and decent treatment of the victims and the survivors through collecting, archiving, and establishing various platforms for everyone to share their stories. Besides, the victims were to take advantage of spreading justice, principles, and values within the societies of Timor-Leste. The victims can access information on reparation to repair their dignity and socio-economic through the government program. It was to acquire the truth and disseminate it to the societies to be free from actual and future violence. This commemoration was to preserve the memories of the past and intergenerational transmission of peace and human rights values.

According to the head of the village of Atara, Angelmo Pereira, the community of Atara has contributed to the independence through its 6 people murdered to defend this sovereignty. It proved that in 1977, TNI (Indonesian National Army) murdered 11 people and captured 8 people as well. They even captured 8 prisoners and murdered 5 of them, and only 3 are still alive.

Head of the Victims Association of Ermera Municipality, Victor Soares, said that war always has negative impacts on the people of Timor-Leste as they suffer, are murdered, tortured, and human rights violations as a desire to be self-determination.

“Their death was a popular struggle. This independence was the contribution of all people. We cannot ignore the matter of victims, and we must take care of them by our heart,” said Survivor Focal Point in his remarks at the Mini Public Hearing in Atara Village on May 15, 2024.

Furthermore, people often overlook the matter of the victims, he asserted. It should be the case that victims and veterans are one family. Just to pretend that the Victims can be the mothers and the veterans can be the fathers. He illustrated that when they come together, they produce something significant. It signifies that veterans and victims play a role in achieving this independence.

“In the war, veterans were the fathers, and victims were the mothers. If there was neither father nor mother, no son. Except both are together – there will be a baby. The victims and veterans were together as a couple to gain independence.” Explained Victor.

He mentioned that the veterans were responsible for organizing the war and its significant impact on the communities, leading to them becoming victims. Those who were innocent (non-political) tortured, and the mothers experienced sexual abuse at the hands of Indonesians and militias, yet they continue to be victims heretofore. The government of Timor-Leste must support the victims in Atara village, Atsabe Administrative Post of Ermera Municipality, as they are living in challenging circumstances (poverty). None of them have received any support from the government, such as scholarships, the Uma Memoria ba Esperiensia and Uma Naroman ba Povu, and other social programs.

The head of Atsabe Administrative Post, as well as the president of the Municipal Authority, Constançio da Costa highlighted that those who died in the past – are the reason we have gained independence. The children of the survivors and victims who have not received government assistance are asked to register and submit their requests to the Administrative Post for priority consideration to discuss.

Chiquito da Costa Guterres, said that Centro Nacional Chega!I.P, From Memory to Hope was established by Decree-Law No. 48/2016 of December 14th with the vision of “The inclusive societies, history of the past to be unrepeated, living peacefully, and respecting human rights,” and its mission, “establishing post-conflict centers, preserving the memories of the past, promoting the values of human rights, building national and international partners, strengthening network services to implement the relevant recommendation made in the final Report of the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR)-Chega!, and Truth and Friendship Commission (TFC) – Per Memoriam Ad Spem.”

Centro Nacional Chega!I.P has provided various services to meet the needs of the victims. As a result, Centro Chega! has collaborated with the Ministry of Solidarity for Social and Inclusion (MSSI) to offer individual punctual support to each survivor, receiving $500,00, and collaborated with the Secretariat of State for Professional Training Employment (SSPTE or SEFOPE) to provide the training. Additionally, Centro Chega! has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Human Capital Development Fund (FDCH) to assist children in pursuing university education. Alongside the Victims Association, CNC I.P. has constructed 15 “Memory House to Hope” buildings and worked with Community Housing Limited (CHL) to build 3 houses. In total, 18 houses were built for the survivors.

(Media CNC)

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