Press Release: CNC I.P Conduct Monitoring Visit to Grupu Vitíma ka Sobrevivente Esperansa Futuru Mauchiga (EFM)


(Ainaro, 13 August 2024) – Head of the Department of Reparative Services of CNC I.P.,  Chiquito da Costa Guterres, conducted a monitoring visit to Grupu Vitíma ka Sobrevivente Esperansa Futuru Mauchiga (EFM) or A Group of Victims and Survivors for Future Hope of Mauchiga in the Village of Mauchiga, Administrative Post of Hatubuiliku, Ainaro Municipality to see the progress and challenges of the activities.

In 2023, through the ACbIt Association, CNC I.P has supported the amount of $2,000.00 to EFM Group to create activities within the communities. During the monitoring visit, the Division of Reparative Services (DRS) realized that the group’s activities dive into huge progress through Raising Chickens and Pigs, Savings and Loans, Opening Kiosks, and Planting Vegetables to guarantee the deal sustainability benefited family members.

The DRS visited the EFM group through the Apoiu Hakbiit Ekonomia Sobrevivente (Supporting and Empowering Economics of the Survivors) Activity. Therefore, The head of the group, Ana Maria de Orleans, thanked CNC I.P. for monitoring their group to know the progress and challenges and even encouraged them to continue for future development. She said, “We are proud of the presence of Chega! to conduct monitoring of our activities. It is courageous for us to move on.”

In addition, the CNC I.P. celebrated its MoU with the EFM group in December 2023. It has been implementing its activities for 7 months. Finally, EFM has gained an interest of $ 280.00.  Furthermore, the DRS will visit Galagina Salele in Covalima, Sikone, and Maquelab in RAEOA, Matadalan Kaibada Group in Baucau.

According to the recommendation of Chega! & PMAS regarding the Reparation of Victims and Survivors issues, that “The victims of the war must receive attention to exceed their vulnerable lives, from the social and economic aspects,” and “The state of Timor-Leste must take responsibility for the victims and survivors who suffered inhumanly and their rights violated during the resistance period.” It is an action or a form to contribute immediately and lighten the burdens of the most vulnerable survivors.


(Media CNC)

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