Press Release: CNC Conducted an Annual Evaluation and Retreat year of 2023, Recover, Reform, and Reinforce


(Dili, 08th of January 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega!I.P held an annual evaluation and retreat of 2023, Recover, Reform, and Reinforce. Besides, CNC also developed the operational plan, the execution plan, and the Procurement plan, the budget adjustment of activities implementation for 2024.

The principal objective of these activities is to acknowledge the performance services of the divisions for 2023, the problems and causes identification, and find alternative solutions to solve them.

The realized annual activity is to have spaces for all staff of Centro Nacional Chega!I.P expressed the emotions, feelings, and concerns among individuals and the division at Centro Nacional Chega!I.P to leave the 2023 challenges and praised the values of respect, integrity, professionalism, and teamwork is the progressive gifts and means to Centro Chega! for 2024.

These activities integrated four programs in the 2023 Annual Action Plan (AAP) on Good Governance and Institutional Management Program with its institutional management sub-program previewed planning activities, monitoring, and Statistics to organize the activities or planning, monitoring, and assessment services.

The conducted annual or quarterly evaluation is the mechanism that certainty the implementation of the activities succeeds outcomes process defined in the operational plan and regarding the objectivity principles under the guidebook of monitoring and assessment.

Therefore, these activities are to respond to the mission and evaluate the government priority program as Centro Nacional Chega!I.P is a legal personality public institution with administrative Financial and Patrimonial autonomy and its management operationalized to the strategic plan, depose to annual and operationalized plan with fixed dates, and organized and mobilized the necessary resources to reach the defined phased objectives.  

Media CNC

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