Press Release: CNC and SSAC signed a Memorandum of Understanding


Dili – (16th of February 2024), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P (CNC) and the Secretariat of States for Arts and Culture (SSAC/SEAK) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate the promotion of arts and cultures, as well as the implementation of Chega! Recommendation and Per Memoriam Ad Spem (PMAS). The signing of the MoU was held at the SSAC room, Praia dos Coqueiros, Dili.

The primary objective of the MoU is to foster Arts and Culture, as well as to implement Chega! Recommendation and PMAS in the context of arts and cultural promotion and the memory preservation of the past. It is also vital to continue providing quality hope to the IX Constitutional Government Policy implementation regarding the Cultures and Patrimonies areas and thematic requested under the Chega! Recommendation and PMAS, mainly promotion and protection of cultural and historical patrimony as the collective memories belong to the people of Timor.

The MoU focuses on several areas, such as ensuring the mutual aim of cooperation reflected in the Annual Action Plan of each institution, coordinating the Border Festival implementation conducted every year, facilitating the process identification of historical sites and cultural patrimonies registration, developing the legislation for the protection of historical sites between 1974-1999, allocating resources to facilitate the maintenance or rehabilitation of identified and registered cultural patrimonies, facilitating the sharing of historical documents regarding the strongs documents in mutual relation with the historical sites and human rights protection, working together to socialize the information through the conferences or seminars activities conducted under the national and municipal level, and other cooperations determined based on mutual consultation.

This MoU is effective from the signing date and is valid for five years, and it will automatically be renewed for the same period and undenounced by the Centro Chega! and SSAC.

The Memorandum of Understanding signed between CNC and SSAC based on the mission of Centro Chega! to promote the implementation of the CAVR and CVA between articles 5 and 6 from the Decree Law No. 48/2016, 14th of December. Centro Chega!I.P, Da Memóra à Esperánça (From Memory to Hope), is established to conjugate with the specific attributions attributed to CNC on the Memory Preservation Collective History under article 7, details described in line a) – e) from the Decree Law on the legal regime for the classifying and inventorying assets of cultural interest, as well as the rules applicable to their exportation and importation.


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