Press Release: CNC and HCDF Signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Providing Scholarships to the Children of the Survivors


(Dili, 06th of March 2024) Centro Nacional Chega!I.P signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Human Capital Development Fund (HCDF/FDCH) held at the Cabinet Room of the Supporting Organ of Centro Chega (GAO-CC), Antigo Comarca Balide, Dili.

The principal objective of signing the Memorandum of Understanding was to strengthen cooperation in the institutional development scope, particularly human resources capacity building through scholarship cooperation to the children of the most vulnerable survivors for university studies.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed to outline areas of cooperation. The agreement included the provision of scholarships for the children of the most vulnerable survivors to study in higher education and Vocational Training Techniques in Timor-Leste. The HCDF will facilitate the scholarship for beneficiaries to undertake professional internships during the pre-study and post-study periods. Additionally, the agreement established a suitable mechanism for scholarship holders and other forms of cooperation.

The Memorandum of Understanding is valid for four years from the date signed and will renew if necessary. 

This Memorandum of Understanding outlines the responsibilities of both institutions. The CNC is responsible for registering and verifying scholarship candidates from the survivors in the most vulnerable conditions and submitting their information to HCDF. The budget plan for the scholarship is also attached to HCDF to include in the Annual General Budget. The CNC will also conduct monitoring and evaluation and regularly track progress for HCDF.

This Memorandum of Understanding was signed based on the CNC’s mission to promote human rights through education, training, and solidarity for the most vulnerable survivors of human rights violations. It aimed to foster the implementation of the CAVR recommendations related to institutionalizing memory and promoting common recommendations of CAVR and CVA regarding its duties and the mandate set under the Decree-Law 58/2016. This legislation approved the statute of Centro Nacional Chega! I.P. It also emphasized the collaboration with other entities as cited in No. 3 and the specified competencies in lines b) and j).

The CNC and HCDF institutions signed a Memorandum of Understanding based on the legal framework attributed to each institution to promote and implement the recommendations made in the Chega and PMAS final report. It focused on supporting the human capital development of Timor-Leste in particular.

Centro Nacional ChegaI.P, From Memory to Hope (Centro Chega!) was established as a public institute under Decree Law No. 48/2016. The Vision of Centro Chega!, “The inclusive Societies, history of the past to be unrepeated, live peacefully, and respect human rights,” and its mission, “Establishing post-conflict centers, preserving the memories of the past, promoting human values and rights, creating national and international partners, strengthens network services to implement the relevant recommendation made in the Final Report of the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR)-Chega!, and Truth and Friendship Commission (CVA) – Per Memoriam Ad Spem/From Memory to Hope.”


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