Press Release: Centro Chega! And Isjb Institute Has Officially Signed A Memorandum Of Understanding


Liquica, 07 August 2024 – The Executive Director of Centro Nacional Chega! I.P., Hugo Maria Fernades and the Rector of São João de Brito Institute, Father Isaías Abílio Caldas, SJ, signed a Memorandum of Understanding and it was participated by Alcino Barreto João, a National Director of Curriculum of Higher Education from the Ministry of Higher Education for Science and Culture at ISJB Campus, Casait, Liquica.

This MoU aimed to strengthen the cooperation for implementing the reports of CAVR and CVA recommendations focused on Education for Peace and History, mainly to establish collaboration for integrating the Chega! Module into the Education for Peace curriculum at ISJB, enhancing the quality of education through innovative teaching methods that involve teachers in training provided by CNC I.P. Further, ensuring the regular implementation of extracurricular activities developed by the respective parties and striving to share knowledge and experiences related to teaching methodology and educational curriculum for promoting peace. It is essential to ensure the participation of ISJB teachers in the Chega! Module Training to lead activities such as conferences, seminars, speeches, and others, based on the agreement.

In this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the involved parties will establish a technical group containing 4 members (2 from CNC and 2 from ISJB) to support the implementation of this MOU and conduct periodic Monitoring and Evaluation once a year as per needs.

This MOU is based on the mission of CNC I.P., promoting the implementation of CVAR-Chega! Report recommendation for institutionalizing memory and human rights promotion through education, training, and solidarity for the most vulnerable survivors of human rights violations. It also promotes the implementation of CAVR and CVA Reports on reparation, memorialization, establishing the Center of National Memory, and research and learning according to the role under Decree-Law No. 48/2016, Article 7, line 3, O Colaboração com outras Entidades (collaboration with other entities), and Article 6, Competências (Competencies), line b and j, from the legislation approving the CNC I.P statute.

The Ministerial Dispatch No. 02/GM/MESCC/I/2022, the Ministry of Higher Education has granted operational licensing to SJB as a private higher education establishment, equivalent to a university, through Ministerial Dispatch No. 072/GM/MESCC/XII/20219. SJB is an institution leader for teacher training and serves as a center for promoting peace through education, guiding young women and men to become qualified human resources characterized by loyalty, integrity, inclusion, honesty, and responsibility, and demonstrating courteous behavior in their fields of study. It is essential to play a part in fostering enduring education for peace. Improving Education for Peace is the global, regional, national, and local strategy to achieve lasting peace.


(Media CNC)

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