Nisay Hang – Membru Konsellu Asesoria Internasional Husi Kambodia


Senor Nisay Hang nu’udar Diretór Ezekutivu Muzeu Tuel Sleen iha Cambodia. Nia mestrado iha área Istória husi Universidade Royal University of Phnom Penh. Nia mós partisipa no sai oradór barak iha workshop mak hanesan “International Programa on Holocaust and Genocide Eucation, Washington DC, USA, 9th General Meeting UNESCO Memory of the World Regional Committee for ASIA and Pacific (MOWCAP), Andong Republic Korea. 26th International Council of Museum as a Speaker, Prague, Czech Republic, Inter-regional Conference for the Memory of the World : Preserving and Providing Access to Digital Hetitage, Daegu, Republic of Korea and 25th International Council of Museum, Kyoto Japan. Agora dadaun Senor Nisay Hang sai nu’udar Membru Konsellu Asesoria Internasional Centro Nacional Chega!I.P nian husi Nasaun Kambodia.

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