CNC I.P Disseminated the Reports of Chega! and CVA in Nítibe


Oe-Cusse – (15 April 2024), the External Relation, Communication, and Advocacy of Centro Nacional Chega!I.P disseminated the information in the Administrative Post of Nítibe, Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cusse Ambeno regarding the Commission of Reception, Truth, and Reconciliation (CAVR)-Chega!, The Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF) reports and the roles of Centro Chega!

At the beginning of the dissemination, the Director of External Relations, Communication, and Advocacy, Gaudencio Soares Souza, handed both reports of CAVR and CTF to the head of Nítibe Administrative Post, Agustinho Afulit, aimed to contribute and implement in his office.

At the same time, Afulit welcomed the CNC team to conduct and disseminate the information regarding both reports. He emphasized that it is essential for communities to know both reports and the roles of Centro Chega!, principally the history of the past. The communities and parents even contributed to the independence process of East Timor. Some of them were detained, tortured, and faced human rights violations. They have not received any support from the government till now.

“This is an interesting activity to get to accompany. Our generations need to learn history. I am a personal Timorese who would like to listen to the history. It motivates me and even for all,” said the head of Nítibe Administrative Post at the Administration Room on Monday, 15 April 2024.

Calistro S. Sila, the Deputy of the PNTL Commander of Nítibe, has deemed it essential to disseminate crucial information to the communities. This information aims to provide insight into the history of the past, which the communities have not been aware of until now.

“I thanked Chega! for coming to our place and sharing information we had not known before. It is a good opportunity to learn about the history of past conflicts. CNC I.P continues to disseminate information regarding the promotion of peace, as it is involved with the services of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL). Therefore, it must contribute to the mission of peace and stability,” he thanked.

Disseminating the information regarding Chega!, CTF reports, and the roles of Centro Chega! is a part of promoting reconciliation and peace at the national and international levels through this activity.


(Media CNC)

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