Centro Chega! Appreciated On 5 Years Partnership With Victims Of Association


Dili, 08 November 2024 – On behalf of Centro Nacional Chega! I.P., the Executive Director, Hugo Maria Fernandes, appreciated the Political Conflict Victims Association of 1974-1999 (PCVA) for good progress over 5 years of partnership. Specifically, implementing the reparative programs, such as from 2021-2023, the CNC I.P provided Punctual Support to 333 survivors (Males 145, Females 188) and Mental Health Assistance to 91 survivors and 15 (Males 9, Females 6) recovered. From 2022-2024, the CNC I.P provided Scholarships to 25 (Males 15, Females 10) children of the survivors. From 2021-2024, the 20 survivors (Males 11, Females 9) received Memory House to Hope (UMbE-Tetum Acronym). From 2017-2023, Reuniting 59 Stolen Children with their families, and from 2017-2024, there were 64 Memorial Events done.

During the annual meeting with the Managers, Board members, and the Executive Secretariat of the Victims Association, held at the National Combatant Association and Veterans Struggle for National Liberation of Timor-Leste (AKVLLN-TL) in Bairo dos Grilos, Dili, the Executive Director expressed gratitude, stating, “Centro Chega! appreciates the Victims of Association at the national and municipal levels for our five-year partnership. The reparative services are implemented by Centro Chega!, it is important to note that these services would not reach rural areas without the participation, collaboration, and excellent services provided by the Victims of Association.”

He added that while we have made works in our efforts, but we have not yet completed our works. Therefore, this remains a mission for us. We collaborate on how to ensure that the lives of survivors and victims are harmonious. This is an uneasy huge goal. Although we are strong and desire to achieve it, we often encounter numerous obstacles that hinder our works. It is a character, “our involvement in transitional justice as a long and complex endeavor that depends heavily on the current political situation in our country. Sometimes, people outside may believe that transitional justice is simply a change in administration that should be finalized within a year – no, it’s not.”

He explained the complexity, how our response to the needs of the victims, as well as the political complexity we currently face in our country. This process can take a long time and is often uneasy. For example, In 2001, after the establishment of CAVR and CVA, our work was stopped after 10 years. Then, in 2017, Centro Nacional Chega! was established. It proves that our work relies on our commitment and consistency in implementing the 204 recommendations of the Chega! Report.Report.

Centro Chega! is a public institute that consistently faces budget challenges. In 2023, the General Budget Allocation (OJE-Tetum Acronym) for Centro Chega! was $1,971,437.98, with an execution of 92%. For 2024, the allocation decreased to $1,804,377.00, and its execution reached 67.1%  from January to October 2024. Looking ahead to 2025, the allocated budget is $1,563,638.00. It is proof that our commitment to supporting the well-being of victims and survivors, despite the allocated budget, remains critically low.

Domingos P. de Araújo Moniz, the National Coordinator of the Political Conflict Victims Association 1974-1999 (AVKP – Tetum Acronym), thanked Centro Chega! for five years of support, even faced many challenges. In addition, this activity was supported by the Office Support of Civil Societies (GASC – Tetum Acronym) for two days, with participation from municipal managers.


(CNC Media)

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