Raimundo Sarmento Fraga

Aderito Hugo: Centro Chega! Keep Disseminating Chega! and CVA Reports

Dili – (25th of April 2024), Aderito Hugo da Costa, Vice Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, requested Centro Nacional Chega!I.P to keep disseminating for the public to...

Marí Alkatiri Husu Joven Koñese Istória Luta ba Independénsia

Díli – (25 Abril 2024), Eis Primeiru Ministru (PM), Dr. Marí Bim Amude Alkatiri husu ba joven timoroan sira iha rai laran no mos rai liur presiza aprende, hatene no...

Komunikadu Imprensa: Arte Ba Dame Ho Tema “Ai-Funan Ba Dame”

(Dili, 25 Abril 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega! Instituto Publiku (CNC I.P) organiza atividade Arte ba Dame ho tema “Ai-funan ba Dame”, liu husi Arte Mural iha...

Komunikadu Imprensa: Tinan 50 Momentu Istóriku 25 Abril Deskolonizasaun iha TL 1974-1975

(Dili, 25 Abril 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega! Instituto Publiku (CNC I.P) organiza konferensia nasional ho tema “Tinan 50 Momentu Istótriku 25 Abril Refleksaun...

Press Release: The Arts of Peace with the theme of “Peaceful Flowers.”

Dili – (25th of April 2024), the Public Institute of Centro Nacional Chega!I.P organized the Arts of Peace event with the theme “Peaceful Flowers” through Mural...

Press Release: 50 Years of Historical Moment on April 25, Decolonization in Timor-Leste between 1974-1975

(Dili, April 25, 2024), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P held a National Conference at the Antigo Comarca Balide Room on “50 Years of Historical Moment on April 25,...

Marí Alkatiri: Young People Must Acknowledge Independence Fighting History

Díli – (25th of April 2024), Former Prime Minister Dr. Marí Bim Amude Alkatiri asked young people in Timor-Leste and abroad to learn, familiarize and acknowledge...

CNC I.P Disseminated the Reports of Chega! and CVA in Nítibe

Oe-Cusse – (15 April 2024), the External Relation, Communication, and Advocacy of Centro Nacional Chega!I.P disseminated the information in the Administrative Post...

Autoridade Lokal Postu Pasabe Apresia Atividade Diseminasaun Relatóriu Chega!

Oekuse – (12 Abril 2024), Centro Nacional Chega! Instituto Publiku (CNC I.P) liu husi Divizaun Relasaun Externa Komunikasaun no Advokasia (DREKA) hala’o atividade...

CNC I.P Hala’o Atividade Diseminasaun Relatóriu Chega! CVA iha Postu Nitibe

Oekuse – (15 Abril 2024), Centro Nacional Chega! Instituto Publiku (CNC I.P) liu husi Divizaun Relasaun Externa Komunikasaun no Advokasia (DREKA) hala’o atividade...


Centro Nacional Chega!I.P. Konvida Kompania sira ne’ebe iha interese bele mai foti dokumentus tenderizasaun iha Departamentu Aprovizionamentu – Divizaun Finansa...

Press Release: The CNC I.P Held Strategic Partners Regular Meetings

(Dili, 27 of March 2024), the public institute of Centro Nacional Chega!I.P held a regular meeting with the strategic partners for implementing the recommendations of...

Komunikadu Imprensa: CNC I.P Organiza Enkontru Regulár ho Parseiru Estratejiku Sira

(Dili, 27 Marsu 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega! Instituto Publiku (CNC I.P) organiza enkontru regulár ho parseiru estratejiku sira ba implementasaun rekomendasaun...

Press Release: The CNC held a Teacher Network Workshop on History and Peace Education in Timor-Leste

(Dili – 25th of March) – the public institute of Centro Nacional Chega!I.P cooperated with the international United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural...

Komunikadu Imprensa: CNC Organiza Workshop ba Rede Manorin Istoria Kona-ba Istoria no Edukasaun ba Pas iha Timor-Leste

(Dili, 25 Marsu 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega! Instituto Publiku (CNC I.P) servisu hamutuk organizasaun internasional United Nations Educational, Scientific and...

Komunikadu Imprensa: CNC I.P – g7+ Asina Nota Entendementu Área Advokasia Ba Asuntu Paz no Rekonsiliasaun

(Dili, 22 Marsu 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega!I.P asina Nota Entendementu/Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ho organizasaun inter-governamentál g7+ iha área...

Jestór Museu Memórial Munisípiu 4 Agradese CNC I.P ba Formasaun

Díli – (08 Marsu 2024), Centro Nacional Chega! Institutu Publiku (CNC I.P) liu husi Divizaun Peskiza no Arkivu Istóriku (DPAI) fo ona formasaun ba Jestór Museu...

4 Managers of Municipal Memorial Museums thanked CNC I.P for the Training Provided

Dili – (08th of March 2024), the Public Institute of Centro Nacional Chega! (CNC I.P), the Division of Historical Research and Archives (DPAI) provided training to 4...

Press Release: CNC and HCDF Signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Providing Scholarships to the Children of the Survivors

(Dili, 06th of March 2024) Centro Nacional Chega!I.P signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Human Capital Development Fund (HCDF/FDCH) held at the Cabinet Room of...

Komunikadu Imprensa: CNC – FDCH Asina Ona Nota Entendementu Atribui Bolsa Estudu ba Sobrevivente nia Oan

(Dili, 06 Marsu 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega!I.P asina ona Nota Entendementu ho Fundo de Desenvolvimeno do Capital Humanos (FDCH), ne’ebé realiza iha Salaun...