Raimundo Sarmento Fraga

It is an Obligation to the Public Employees to Understand the history of Timor-Leste to serve the people properly

Dili – (20th of February 2024), the public employees are the state apparatuses obliged to understand the history of fighting for independence. Although there was no...

Funsionáriu Públiku Iha Obrigasaun Hatene Istória TL, Atu Servi Povu ho Lolos

Dili – (20 Fevereiru 2024), Funsionáriu Públiku nu’udar makina estadu iha obrigasaun hatene ninia istória pasadu kona-ba prosesu luta ba ukun rasik-an. Maske iha...

Komunikadu Imprensa: CNC Asina Nota Entendementu ho SEAK

(Dili, 16 Fevereiru 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega!I.P, asina Nota Entendementu ho Sekretáriu Estadu Arte no Kultura (SEAK) kona-ba promosaun arte no kultura, no...

Press Release: CNC and SSAC signed a Memorandum of Understanding

Dili – (16th of February 2024), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P (CNC) and the Secretariat of States for Arts and Culture (SSAC/SEAK) signed a Memorandum of Understanding...

Members of the Conflict Prevention National Network Revised TOR

Dili – (8th of February 2024), The Members of the Conflict Prevention National Network (RNPK) are from Government Institutions, Civil Societies,  Martial and Ritual...

Membru Rede Nasional Prevensaun Konflitu Halo Revizaun ToR

Dili – (08 Fevereiru 2024), Membru Rede Nasional Prevensaun Konflitu (RNPK) kompostu husi Instituisaun Governu, Sosiedade Sivil, Organizasaun Arte Marsial no Arte...

The Voice of Manufahi Municipal Authority on CNC handed MHtH/UMbE to the Survivor

Manufahi – (19th of January 2024), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P and the Political Conflict Victims Association 1974-1999 accompanied by Manufahi Municipal Authority...

Lian husi Autóridade Munisipiu Manufahi Kona-ba CNC Entrega UMbE ba Sobrevivente

Manufahi – (19 Janeiru 2024), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P hamutuk ho Asosiasaun Vitima Konflitu Politiku 1974-1999 akompaña husi Autóridade Munisipiu Manufahi...

Komunikadu Imprensa : CNC, Asosiasaun Vitima Hamutuk Autoridade Munisipiu Manufahi Entrega UMbE ba Sobrevivente Ilda de Oliveira, iha Suku Rotuto

(Manufahi, 19 Janeiru 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega!I.P, Asosiasaun Vitima Konflitu Politiku 1974-1999 (AVKP) hamutuk ho Autoridade Munisipiu Manufahi entrega Uma...

CNC Done A Minute of Silence to Sisto

Dili – (08th of January 2024), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P held an annual evaluation and retreat of 2023 with the theme of “Recover, Reform, Reinforce”. Besides, CNC...

Press Release: CNC Conducted an Annual Evaluation and Retreat year of 2023, Recover, Reform, and Reinforce

(Dili, 08th of January 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega!I.P held an annual evaluation and retreat of 2023, Recover, Reform, and Reinforce. Besides, CNC also developed...

Komunikadu Imprensa: CNC Halo Avaliasaun no Retiru Annuál Tinan 2023 “Rekupera, Reforma no Reforsa”

(Dili, 08 Janeiru 2024) – Centro Nacional Chega!I.P halo avaliasaun no retiru anuál tinan 2023 ho tema “Rekupera, Reforma no Reforsa”. Alende avaliasaun no...

CNC Halo Um Minuto de Silêncio ba Saudozu Sisto

Dili – (08 Janeiru 2024), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P halo avaliasaun no retiru anuál tinan 2023 ho tema “Rekupera, Reforma no Reforsa”. Alende avaliasaun no retiru...

Centro Chega!I.P Congratulated to Sisto and his Family Received the Human Rights Award From the President of the Republic

Dili – (14th of December 2023), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P desired to congratulate the deceased Sisto dos Santos and his families concerning the Human Rights Award...

Centro Chega!I.P Kongratula Saudozu Sisto ho Familia, Simu Premiu DU Husi PR

Dili – (14 Dezembru 2023), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P hakarak kongratula saudozu Sisto dos Santos no familia relasiona ho atribuisaun Prémiu Direitus Umanus (DU)...

The Popular Resistance Culture Festival Honored the Contribution of Artists to Independence

Dili – (10th of December 2023), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P,  and Venu Association organized the Popular Resistance Culture Festival “War, Memory, and Trauma to...

Festivál Kultura Rezisténsia Populár Valoriza Artista Nia Kontribuisaun ba Ukun Rasik-An

Dili – (10 Dezembru 2023), Centro Nacional Chega!I.P servisu hamutuk Asosiasaun Venu organiza Festivál Kultura Rezisténsia Populár (FKRP) durante loron haat hahú...

CNC, SEAK and PDHJ Will Organize the Popular Resistance Culture Festival in 2024

Dili – (10th of December 2023), Centro Nacional Chega! I.P and the Venue Association organized four days, the Popular Resistance Culture Festival, commencing on the...

The Popular Resistance Culture Festival led people to Leave the past to Move On

Dili – (10th of December 2023), Centro Nacional Chega! I.P. worked with Venu Association to organize the Popular Resistance Culture Festival, “War, Memory, and...

CNC, SEAK, PDHJ Sei Organiza Hamutuk Festivál Kultura Rezisténsia Populár Tinan 2024

Dili – (10 Dezembru 2023), Atividade Festivál Kultura Rezisténsia Populár (FKRP) ne’ebé Centro Nacional Chega!I.P hamutuk ho Asosiasaun Venu organiza durante...

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