Aderito Hugo: Centro Chega! Keep Disseminating Chega! and CVA Reports


Dili – (25th of April 2024), Aderito Hugo da Costa, Vice Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, requested Centro Nacional Chega!I.P to keep disseminating for the public to acknowledge the reports of the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR – Chega!), Commission for Truth and Friendship, and the Roles of Centro Nacional Chega!I.P.

The Public Institute of Centro Chega! has two significant roles; preserving the memory of the past of suffering people and protecting the historical sites in Timor-Leste as the facts. Centro Chega! is requested to keep disseminating past information to the public and engage their interest in learning the history regarding the struggle for independence process of Timor-Leste to strengthen their spirit of nationalism and patriotism.

In his remark, Aderito Hugo da Costa, Vice Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, spoke about this matter at the National Conference on “Historical Moments of 50 years, Reflection on Decolonization in Timor-Leste between 1974-1975”, in the scope of 50 years commemoration since the Carnation Revolution on April 25, held at the Antigo Comarca Balide Room.

He argued, “Timor-Leste is in the development stage. Despite we have been under freedom and democracy, our people have to know the history of the past and must not forget it. Serving this land and its people is worthy, in the way of freedom and a democratic rights state. The institution of Chega is much appreciated to keep forward and preserve the essential history of the country and its people, disseminating these memories and preservations to forecast a brighter future.”

History is the foundation of national development. Therefore, the national conference certainly proved we have a democratic rights state.

The Centro Nacional Chega!I.P, From Memory to Hope was established by Decree-Law No. 48/2016 of December 14th with the vision of “The inclusive societies, history of the past to be unrepeated, living peacefully, and respecting human rights,” and its mission, “establishing post-conflict centers, preserving the memories of the past, promoting the values of human rights, building national and international partners, strengthening network services to implement the relevant recommendation made in the final Report of the Commission for Reception, Truth, and Reconciliation (CAVR)-Chega!, and Truth and Friendship Commission (TFC) – Per Memoriam Ad Spem.”

(Media CNC)

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